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发表于 2013-8-12 22:01:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Essay Option 1
Winston Churchill believed "a joke is a very serious thing." From Off-Off Campus’s improvisations to the Shady Dealer humor magazine to the renowned Latke-Hamantash debate, we take humor very seriously here at The University of Chicago (and we have since 1959, when our alums helped found the renowned comedy theater The Second City)

Tell us your favorite joke and try to explain the joke without ruining it.

-Chelsea Fine, Class of 2016

Essay Option 2
In a famous quote by José Ortega y Gasset, the Spanish philosopher proclaims, "Yo soy yo y mi circunstancia" (1914). José Quintans, master of the Biological Sciences Collegiate Division at the University of Chicago, sees it another way: "Yo soy yo y mi microbioma" (2012).

You are you and your...?

-Maria Viteri, Class of 2016

Essay Option 3
"This is what history consists of. It's the sum total of all the things they aren't telling us."-- Don DeLillo, Libra.

What is history, who are “they,” and what aren’t they telling us?

-Amy Estersohn, Class of 2010

Essay Option 4
The mantis shrimp can perceive both polarized light and multispectral images; they have the most complex eyes in the animal kingdom. Human eyes have color receptors for three colors (red, green, and blue); the mantis shrimp has receptors for sixteen types of color, enabling them to see a spectrum far beyond the capacity of the human brain.
Seriously, how cool is the mantis shrimp: mantisshrimp.uchicago.edu.

What might they be able to see that we cannot? What are we missing?

-Tess Moran, Class of 2016

Essay Option 5
How are apples and oranges supposed to be compared? Possible answers involve, but are not limited to, statistics, chemistry, physics, linguistics, and philosophy.

-Florence Chan, Class of 2015

Essay Option 6
In the spirit of adventurous inquiry, pose a question of your own. If your prompt is original and thoughtful, then you should have little trouble writing a great essay. Draw on your best qualities as a writer, thinker, visionary, social critic, sage, citizen of the world, or future citizen of the University of Chicago; take a little risk, and have fun.

 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-12 22:23:26 | 只看该作者
顺便附上芝加哥大学的ESSAY TIPS,希望对申请它家的同学有所帮助咯:
Essay tips, tricks and treats
Essays. If you're in the midst of our application process, you'll see that we're working with some pretty neat prompts, and we hope they're providing more fun than stress in your (college apps obsessed) life right now! We know that writing essays for any college can be a daunting process; we hope this gives you some tips that will help you navigate our essays, and a sense that most things are just fine with us, if well written and well considered.

If there's only one thing that you take away from this post, it should be this: there is no right way to answer our essay questions. And no wrong way. Anything--so long as you like it and it speaks to you as a great response--is fair game! I know some of you think there may be some kind of locked room where we're holding Waldo--we promise, this isn't the case! We give out unique prompts hoping that you'll see an opportunity to take the prompt in whatever direction you'd like to. Any topic (well, except a few that I'll suggest avoiding below) is fair game.

A resume is not an essay. A reasonably common way that we'll see students respond to a prompt is by taking the prompt and somehow bending it, alongside a description of an activity--or list of activities--that they participate in, in to essay form. While we're happy to see you discuss something important to you in depth, our essays may not be the best space to provide a laundry list of your achievements and accomplishments. You are welcome to list activities and achievements in your Common Application activities section--trust us, we read these, so we'll already be aware of your fabulous self. It's also important to know that we can learn a lot about you when you're not talking directly about "you"--if one of our prompts speaks to you in a way that lends naturally to you talking about yourself, that is certainly appropriate, but we've also see great essays that have ostensibly no relation to a student or their experiences, but tell us a lot about how that student thinks, and the kinds of things she's thinking about.

Creativity appreciated! But make sure it's authentically "you". We certainly enjoy seeing essays that are neat combinations of style and substance-- but don't skimp on the substance. I recall a great essay that took us from "Playdoh to Plato" (one of last year's prompts) as an example, in which a student discussed the topic as a fictitious dialogue between Plato and Socrates. But it was clear that this student's essay really lent itself to that format--and that the ideas contained in the presentation were solid, interesting, and well considered. If your essay makes the most sense as a dialogue, or a short story, or something other than a 'traditional' 5-paragraph piece, go for it! But: don't just feel the need to be creative for the sake of having done something creative. Style cannot make up for an essay that lacks substance--an acrostic poem spelling UCHICAGO with only one word per letter may not be the best choice. If you're not a person who often likes to express yourself through rap, poetry, or songwriting, your college application essay is not the time to start. An essay with well considered ideas in a traditional format will carry you much further than a super-quirky format with few solid ideas to back it up. Creativity and originality are certainly much appreciated in our application process, but make sure to ask yourself a very important question: am I presenting this idea or this format because it is the way I feel I can best express myself and my ideas? Is making a statement about this topic--or making my statement in this way--truly important to me? Or am I doing it just for the sake of doing it?

Avoid the TMI. Just go through a big breakup? We've been there, and we sympathize, but it may be better to process the experience with your parents, friends, or counselor than through your essay. Same goes for a detailed description of your current crush, your bodily functions, etc... discussions of personal experiences that have affected your life are certainly not off limits, but please do your best to make sure that it doesn't cross a line in to "inappropriate" territory.

Edit, edit, edit. We don't want you to lose sight of your ideas and yourself, but it is important to make sure that SOMEONE looks at your essay to catch typos, sentence fragments, or [INSERT NAME OF OTHER COLLEGE] moments. Having a trusted teacher, older friend, or parent edit your work can be really helpful in catching these lingering uh-ohs. At UChicago, we suggest keeping your extended essay at 1-2 pages, single or double spaced, and shorter essays at or around 2-3 paragraphs; if you're exceeding that suggestion, having another set of eyes look over your work can be really helpful in determining ways you may consider making your work a bit more concise. We'll read every word you write, but we're much more enthusiastic about the second page than the thirteenth page [note: please no thirteen page essays!]

Tl;dr: Be yourself. You are probably awesome! Feel free to be creative, but don't cross the line in to crazy or inappropriate. And make sure someone--anyone!--reads your essays, even if just for typos, before you submit them.

 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-12 22:25:11 | 只看该作者
再来一个被UCHI成功录取的同学的申请信,非常经典的申请ESSAY,需要给自己的WHY ESSAY找灵感的同学不要错过咯!

"Dear University of Chicago,

It fills me up with that gooey sap you feel late at night when I think about things that are really special to me about you. Sometimes I just hunger for more, but I keep that a secret. The mail you send is such a tease; I like to imagine additional words on the page. Words like "you're accepted" or "you're awesome!" or "don't worry, she still loves you!" but I know they're all lies. You never called after that one time, I visited you thrice, but you never come around anymore. Tell me, was I just one in a line of many? Was I just another supple "applicant" to you, looking for a place to live, looking for someone to teach me the ways of the world? The closeness between us was beautiful, it couldn't have been just me that felt it, I know you felt it too. The intimacy was akin to that of scholar and original text, your depth as a person is astounding! To be honest, I must confess I had already dreamt of a rosy future together, one filled with late nights and long discussions over the Gothic era and the ethical stage of Kierkegaard, we would watch the sunset together and spend every Christmas snuggled in blankets. Eventually we would get older, I would become a well-educated corporate lawyer and you would enrich yourself within the domain of human knowledge. Your cup overfloweth with academic genius, pour a little on me. You're legendary for it, they all told me it would never work out between us, but I had hope. I had so much hope; I replied to your adorable letters and put up with your puns. I knew going into it that you would be an expensive one to keep around, I accounted for all that; I understand someone of your caliber and taste.

And now you inquire as to my wishes? They're simple, accept me for who I am! Why can't you just love and not ask why? Not ask about my assets or my past? I'm living in the now, I'm waiting for you to catch up, but you're too caught up in my past, I offer us a future together, not a past to dwell upon. Whenever I'm around you, I just get that tingle deep inside me that tells me you're the one; you have that air of brilliance and ingenuity that I crave in a person, you're so mature and sophisticated, originality is really your strongest and most admirable trait. I wish we could be together, I still think in my heart of hearts we were meant to be, but you have to meet me halfway, dear. I'm on one knee here with tears welling up in my eyes, the fireworks are timed and ready to light up the night sky for you, just say 'I accept...you.'



P.S. Rohan was admitted to UChicago last week and will be joining us in the fall. I can't wait to meet him.

P.P.S. This was in response to the question: How does the University of Chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community and future? DO NOT see this as a blueprint, but one of many types of essays we get. Be yourself!

源地址:http://blog.renren.com/GetEntry. ... amp;owner=233247563

发表于 2013-10-11 17:58:28 | 只看该作者
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