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[托福独立作文] Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Patience is usually no...

发表于 2015-10-9 13:02:34 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Patience is usually not a good strategy. We should take action now rather than later

If we are confronted with a complicated problem requiring long-term endeavor, there are two opposite approaches to deal with it. Some people prefer to wait and think about solutions with patients, since they are able to observe the variation of the situation where the problem comes. Nevertheless, I subscribe to the notion that we are supposed to take actions currently rather than later.

Take instant action can seize the critical moment for developing and implementing solutions. Dated back to 2010 when Android operation system was under promotion in the market, different mobile device companies responded in various ways. Managers in some Chinese companies, i,e,. ZTE and Huawei, were impressed by the brand new and interesting operation experience that Android system broght to users. For instance, instead of typing on physical keyboard in conventional phones, Android system allowed users to touch the screen for basic phone functions. So these managers decided to develop their new phones on Android right away. On the contrary, Nokia, a renown company relying on physical keyboard-based device greatly, determined to produce their traditional sort of phone. Nokia phones occupied large portion of market at that moment and decision makers would like to wait patiently to see Android's development. However, Android dorminated the market and varied its attractions in a speed beyond control. Upon Nokia manager's realization to develop Android-based phone, Nokia could not catch up with other brands' promotion progress. Hence, without taking actions instantly, the critical moment for development will be lost.

Taking actions soon can also stimulate the potential of solving problem. Regarding a piece of sponge immersed in water, if the sponge continues to stay in water, it contains almost constant water volume. However, if we take out the sponge and squeeze it, it will release the water immediately. Furthermore, with more powerful squeezing, more water will go out of sponge. In a similar manner, if we treat our problem patiently, we can probably gain no further solutions and feedback. However, taking instant actions stimulates our potential for solving problems. The more quickly we take actions, the more pressure we will face, which turns out to be catalyst for our thinking process.

Patience can result in laziness. According to a recent survey from University of British Columbia, 73% of people agree that patience is eventually converted to laziness. Some interviewee even point out that laziness can easily lead people to give up dealing with the problem, which is even worse.

To conclude, it is not a good strategy to be patient. Taking instant actions provide people with necessary pressure and passion to solve problems.

发表于 2015-10-11 22:12:19 | 只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Patience is usually not a good strategy. We should take action now rather than later
If we are confronted with a complicated problem requiring long-term endeavor, there are two opposite approaches to deal with it. Some people prefer to wait and think about solutions with patients(patience,注意词性), since they are able to observe the variation of the situation where the problem comes (in,少了一个介词). Nevertheless, I subscribe to the notion that we are supposed to take actions currently rather than later.

Take instant action can seize the critical moment for developing and implementing solutions. Dated back to 2010 when Android operation system was under promotion in the market, different mobile device companies responded in various ways. Managers in some Chinese companies, i,e,. ZTE and Huawei, were impressed by the brand new and interesting operation experience that Android system broght to users. For instance, instead of typing on physical keyboard in conventional phones, Android system allowed users to touch the screen for basic phone functions. So these managers decided to develop their new phones on Android right away. On the contrary, Nokia, a renown company relying on physical keyboard-based device greatly, determined to produce their traditional sort of phone. Nokia phones occupied large portion of market at that moment and decision makers would like to wait patiently to see Android's development. However, Android dorminated the market and varied its attractions in(at,固定搭配小心一些) a speed beyond control. Upon Nokia manager's realization to develop Android-based phone, Nokia could not catch up with other brands' promotion progress. Hence, without(这里用unless更好) taking actions instantly, the critical moment for development will be lost.

Taking actions soon can also stimulate the potential of solving problem. Regarding a piece of sponge immersed in water, if the sponge continues to stay in water, it contains almost constant water volume. However, if we take out the sponge and squeeze it, it will release the water immediately. Furthermore, with more powerful squeezing, more water will go out of sponge. In a similar manner, if we treat our problem patiently, we can probably gain no further solutions and feedback. However, taking instant actions stimulates our potential for solving problems. The more quickly we take actions, the more pressure we will face, which turns out to be catalyst for our thinking process.(这个比方有点复杂了,不便理解。其实你可以举游泳作为例子,想要更快学会游泳,站在岸边耐心地观察是没有用的,只有跳进泳池里开始游了,才会让身体每个部分都开始配合协调,让鼻子不会呛水,让手脚知道怎么划水,怎么保持浮力。这些问题都不是耐心能解决的,需要有实际行动才行。)

Patience can result in laziness. According to a recent survey from University of British Columbia, 73% of people agree that patience is eventually converted to laziness. Some interviewee even point out that laziness can easily lead people to give up dealing with the problem, which is even worse.(这一段有点太短了,该写的句子还是要写的。比如protesters may advocate that patience will help paticipants calm down and find out the keys to problems, yet they are more than wrong. Instead of helping people relax and calm down, patience always result in laziness. According to ...在编数据的时候,注意要把这个“调研”描述得更加详细,什么时候做的调研,什么人参加了调研,有多少人参加,这些信息都是有用的,可以增加数据的可信度。)

To conclude, it is not a good strategy to be patient. Taking instant actions provide people with necessary pressure and passion to solve problems.
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