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[托福口语作业] 托福TPO27口语全面解析

发表于 2013-10-30 15:00:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
2012年底,ETS相继发布了托福TPO25和26,而今年ETS更是大手笔,一口气发布了TPO27-30。TPO即为 TOEFL Practise online,均为高质量的新托福考试真题,对考生了解托福、备考托福、攻克托福有着极大的帮助。针对2013年新公布的TPO27-30,托福四科又有 了怎样的变化呢?所以小编为大家独家送上了TPO27~TPO30听说读写四项的独家解析,为 各位考生独家解析TPO27口语的变化和对比。



  Task 1:
  Talk about a popular actor, musician, or artist whose work you do not admire. Explain why you do not like this person’s work. Use specific details and reasons in your response.

  1) Likes to show off
  2) Too talkative
  3) His music doesn’t make sense to me

  I’d like to talk about a Taiwanese pop singer. There are lots of rap parts in his songs, and this is one of the main reasons why I don’t like him—that I’m not a big fan of rap music. For most of the time I don’t understand what he is trying to say in his songs. They simply don’t make sense to me.
  The other thing is that he likes to show off a lot. I mean, he boasts a lot and he is too talkative for me to appreciate his personality. There’s this one time that I watched a ceremony he hosted, he almost talked the whole time, which was even kind of embarrassing for his partner.

  Task 2:
  Some people do not enjoy shopping and shop only when they have a specific purchase to make. Others like to go shopping for pleasure whether or not they have something to buy. Which do you prefer and why?
  1. kids are able to make their own choices when they’re about to attend college
  2. they’re more likely to enjoy the life in the college they selected by themselves

  As for me, I think though parents should be involved when kids are choosing a university, they should not decide which university their kid attends.
  Firstly, kids have their own preference and interests. I mean, by the time when they’re about to attend college, they’ve grown into an adult, and they know how to make choices. So parents can’t decide whether they attend a small college or a big one, or whether they attend college near their hometown or in a city far away from home.
  Secondly, kids are more likely to enjoy the life in the college they selected on their own, which is actually a good thing for their future.



  1. 省钱
  2. 电子设备可以辅助学习
  1. 电子设备不省钱,因为如果坏了或者出了新版,学生需要买新的

  The university is planning on switching all paper books to e-books. Firstly, they think that it helps students save money. Secondly, the electronic device they use is an effective study aid since it’s easy to operate and offers lots of features.
  In the conversation, the woman doesn’t seem to like the idea. Firstly, he thinks that although textbooks are not cheap, the electronic device won’t save money, either. This is because if the device breaks down or there comes out features, students would wanna buy a new one.
  Secondly, the device is pretty small with the little key pad and control button. So it’s actually not easy to use. Plus, the woman prefers old-fashioned way of study, such as highlighting or underlining on a paper book.

  Poetry class vs. cousin’s retirement party
  Male professor covers the class for her
  He hasn’t been teaching poetry for years, it might be tough.
  Teach poetry class herself and arrive late at the party.
  Miss a lot on the party, her cousin will be giving a speech; it’s a shame to miss it.

  The woman’s problem is that there is a time conflict between her poetry class she needs to teach and her cousin’s retirement party.
  One possible solution is that she could ask the male professor to cover the class for her. The other solution is that she could teach the poetry class herself and arrive late at the party.
  I personally suggest her to second solution. This is because her cousin’s retirement party is a once-in-a-lifetime thing, and she wouldn’t have another chance to attend it if she missed this one. As for the poetry class, although the male professor hasn’t been teaching poetry for years, he could probably handle the class with his teaching experience and the materials provided by the woman.
  Therefore, I’d suggest her to go for the second solution.

  Swarm intelligence—group demonstrate greater complexity than the behavior of individual member.
  Ants in search of food
  Wide space between the two branches
  A single ant can’t cross over the space
  The group of ants work together
  Reach the food

  Swarm intelligence is a phenomenon that insects as a group will demonstrate greater complexity than the behavior of an individual member. The result is they may perform some complex tasks that an individual insect can’t complete.
  Just like the example of ants. When a large group of ants walk on a tree in search of some food, they find that there’s a wide space between the tree and the food. Any single ant alone can’t cross the space. Therefore,
  what they do is that one ant walks forward to the end of the branch and holds onto the branch, and then it stretches its body forward so that the next ant can walk across it. The next ant does the same thing. Then one after another, they form a bridge so that the rest of the ants can cross over to reach the food.
  So this is how swarm intelligence works.

  Two developments that allowed Roman cities to expand
  Advanced building material
  Bridge—cross wide rivers
  Cities grow on both sides of the river
  Create bigger cities
  Effective way to move clean water
  Aqueduct—move water over a long distance
  No need to be located near the river
  Cities grow bigger

  There are two developments that allowed Roman cities to expand.
  The first development was that they had an advanced building material, which is concrete that hardens under water. So the Romans could build bridges that cross wide rivers, and transport wagons and cars. Therefore cities were able to grow on both sides of the river, which created bigger cities.
  The second development is an effective way to move clean water. They could build Aqueduct, a channel, to create a steady flow of water. So this structure could move water over a great distance. So people could have clean water without needing to be located near the river. Therefore, the cities could grow much bigger.

发表于 2013-10-31 09:21:42 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-11-8 05:39:41 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-11-9 17:37:33 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-11-20 15:44:46 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-11-30 11:28:09 | 只看该作者
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