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[院校信息] NEU东北大学 MSF 项目介绍【陆续补充中】

发表于 2014-4-22 09:15:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

最近,因为一门课的教授专门负责NEU在上海的录取面试,所以要我帮忙回答大家的问题。我想,就索性把这些邮件中的内容同步到社区与大家共享吧!欢迎大家来到东北大学!至少在我心里,我很喜欢这个学校,也很喜欢这个项目,当然啦,波士顿也是我的心头好!祝贺所有被东北录取的孩纸们,来吧来吧,大波村欢迎您!希望收到NEU offer的同学有任何疑问都可以到这个贴里留言,我会一一解答的!


项目难吗?是否需要准备?1. Is the learning schedule very intense in NEU? Do I have to review my bachelor learning such as Micro Economics and Money & Banking?

I think it is quite intense, I mean, difficult and a lot of work if you want to get an A. But since I am not a Finance major during my undergraduate, things can be even harder. If you major in Finance before, I highly recommend you to review previous courses and take this advantage. Our first three required courses are Corporate Finance, Statistics and Investment. So you do not really need to review courses of Economics, but you may need to review the knowledge about Time Value of Money, CAPM, DCF, OPM, Statistics, Accounting, Portfolio Management, etc. Actually, if you are preparing for or have passed the CFA exam, just review those CFA materials, which cover almost all the stuffs we learnt these two semesters.

As for your specific schedule, I am not sure about what will you have in Academic Year 2014. Here is what I had from last year. We had three choices, 8-month, 12-month and 16-month tracks, which means that you could choose to finish your MSF program in different length of time. I chose the longest one, therefore, my schedule was not very intense. I had only 3 courses in the first semester, 3 required ones. And then in this semester, I had 5 courses, 1 is a required one, the others are electives. Those required courses all worth 3 credits per course. So you need  to at least take 9 credits a semester.

NEU has quite intensive arrangement for each course and that can vary based on your professor's preference. Averagely, one course will take at least 10 hours a week for preparation, reviewing and doing homework. Our school wants us to treat the program as a job. So just like a full-time job, you need to work at least 8 hours per day for 5 days a week. In order to push students commit that much time into their study, professors will assign so many readings from textbooks, recommended readings, WSJ newspapers, etc. and some of them may have assignments due every week. But it is a lot of fun and very fruitful if you spend enough time and effort into it and I feel like learning so much ever since I come here.

360 Fund是个啥?谁谁都能参加吗?2. Could you pls give me some detailed information about 360 Huntington Fund? Can all students participate in that activity?

About the Fund, sure, because I am currently an analyst of it.

(1) Can everyone take it?
Yes, all students can participate in the fund in two ways, as a registered student for the Fund course or just audit it. The class is held every two weeks. I would recommend you to attend the course by auditing for the first semester because registering for it requires you to take some pre-courses, while as a new coming student, you surely never have those courses before.

(2) How does the Fund work?
It is a real fund managed by our students in Business School and it is managing real money donated by alumnus and faculty. The fund performed pretty well last year, but in 2014, you know, as the overall market is quite volatile, the alpha is changeable as well. We have classes every two weeks, during which some students give presentations and recommend new stocks from various sectors. After each presentation, the sector managers will vote for whether or not are we going to buy that stock. When finishing all the presentations, the chief manger will talk about the performance of our current holdings and talk about our next steps for those who have already reached target prices. But of course, sector managers also need to have many more meetings in order to make timely reaction to fluctuation from the market or an individual stock. The fund faces with the problem of lacking personnel all the time because there are students graduate from school every year, so if you do a good job, they would be glad to have you as a member of sector manager and this will be a really proud experience you can write about in your resume.

(3)  What is your job?
As a member of the Fund, you will need to monitor at least one stock everyday and write an update cover summary of it every two week before the class (meeting). In the summary, you need to talk about the change in price, HPR, estimation, fundamentals and sector trends, and give your recommendation: hold or sell. It is not difficult but require a lot of time. Once you take the job, you have to be responsible and careful because this is real money.


发表于 2014-4-22 09:45:35 | 只看该作者
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