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[托福机经] 2015年10月31日托福写作真题及范文

发表于 2015-11-4 10:27:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

  Which one is the most important for teacher of high school:

  1.The ability to help students plan for their future;

  2.The ability to find the students who need help most and help them;

  3.Teach students how to learn outside the classroom.

  Nowadays, parents put an increasing attention on children's education, and thus could not ignore the role teacher has played in the process of high school education. parents could not help asking what is the most important role for a high school teacher. Opinions vary: some would think the ability to help students plan for the future matters, while others would consider how to learn outside the classroom. In my opinion, the ability to find those who need help and help them is the most important.

  Admittedly, some people would think teaching students how to learn outside the classroom is the most important. The time a high school teacher could accomplish a students is countable, three years at most; so if the teacher could teach students the way to self-study, they might effectively learn new things even if the teacher is not stay by their sides. However, on balance, to teacher students the way to study by themselves would be difficult for some students. These students could hardly finish the homework assigned in class, so letting them to self study more be too overwhelmed. For most of the students to benefit from their teacher, the most important quality would be the ability to find out those who are in need.

  Helping students solve their problems could improve their interests in studying. In other words, the confidence gained from solving problems would keep students learning new things. For example, Jason use(转载自出国留学网http://www.liuxue86.com,请保留此信息。)d to be suffering from calculus homework where he could not figure out how to apply the theorem to the real question. His teacher, Mr. Smith, noticed his poor performance in homework and asked him to leave for an extra hour to coach him. He would review the class notes for him and emphasize the part that Jason could not understand. Moreover, in order to strengthen the impression of these puzzling ones, Mr. Smith would give him many exercises to be familiar with the theorem. As a result, after half a month's coaching, Jason could make every question in his homework correct, and this makes him feel confident that he could overcome other problems as long as he keeps focusing on learning.

  How about making students plan for the future? The problem with this is that the ability to plan for students's future could not guarantee them into a good university. Needless to say, colleges and universities usually have their own academic requirements for applicants. According to a recent survey conducted by University of Pennsylvania, after polling the top 100 universities in USA, most of them would admit applicants based on their performance at SAT and GPA. Those who get scores above 2300 in SAT and have a GPA of 4.0 are even more likely to be admitted to the Ivy League. None of them could take into consideration the ability to plan for their future. As a result, even if high school could plan for them what to learn in college or what job to take after graduation, their inability to get into a good university might let the plan go in vain.

  To sum up, due to the reasons I list above, I would regard that a high school teacher's ability to help students solve problems is the most important quality.

Reading passage: 3 theories about what short-faced bear ate
(1)        large mammals, 因为legs and feet
(2)        跑得快的动物如antelope and deer, 因为bear也跑得很快可以追上它们
(3)        作为scavenger吃别人剩下的,因为bear can frighten or fight other predators
(1)        skeletons shows weak bones,不能对付大型动物
(2)        antelope不会run in straight line,而是会sharp turning,change the direction,而bear too heavy做不到
(3)        bear的牙齿嚼不动骨头,因此不是scavenger
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