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[托福独立作文] 刘琳涵 托福独立写作修改

发表于 2014-6-23 20:02:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Nowadays,there is no doubt that success is the unchanging goal of each individual.However,public has not reached a consensus on what is the most significant factor that contributes to the success.Someone may attach significance to the self confidence.From my perspective,nevertheless,hardly can I agree on such statement for following reasons.

Firstly, self confidence is likely make people self satisfaction which will greatly limit the space for people’s progression.Either students or people with jobs should keep on improving themselves,or they will fail to keep up with peers.Studying or working like rowing a boat against the countercurrent and the improvement likes the act to get the boat move forward.Once the boat stops,it will be pushed back by the current ,needless to say exceed other boats on the water.It equally make sense in work or study process,which makes paying to much attention to self-confident become a potential danger.

Secondly,chances are that confidence can blind people.Nokia,which domineered the cell phone market several years ago,suffered critical crisis in recent years when iPhone appeared.Actually,before the invention of those smart phones,there are some people put forward idea of new tendency of the development of cell phone to the manager of Nokia company.However, their eyes are blinded by their prejudice so that they are unable to see the trend of the market clearly.They insisted that cell phones are mainly used for calling others rather than surfing the internet which is proved to be a mistake.Because of their unaware of the trend in the market, they lose the advantage to compete against other companies and ended up with being acquired by Microsoft.Being blind to the situation renders people unable to make reasonable decision.

Someone may consider that the confidence can help people stick on their view which is important to success.Nevertheless, it is not the case.In the middle age, those people who believed in the religious leader are confident in those statements,like the earth is the central of the universe, sun moves around the earth.Those statements they insisted on are obviously wrong regarding to modern science.Sticking on their views merely stunted the development of science.As a result, being confident cannot be entitled as the most important factor that made success.

Generally speaking,confidence is not qualified as the most important factor for its negative influences that may exert on people.It is of great risk to stress to much on self-confidence.More confident people become,the more possibilities to be blocked by the self satisfaction and ignorance.Consequently,to pursuit success,under no circumstance is it suitable to regard the self confidence the most crucial factor.
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