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[托福独立作文] 同意与否?现代人太依赖新技术(社交媒体或者短信)来和别人交流

发表于 2015-10-15 06:51:21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
As the fast proliferation of smart devices nowadays, there are explosive number of users playing with social media and text messages. Although the convenience and sense of interest from social media cannot be ignore, I subscribe to the notion that people depend too much on the new technologies to communication with others these days.

Some people have been addicted to the social communication applications featured with special functions. It is admitted that indivisuals considered apps or text messages as pure communication tool. But things have changed recently. There are various newly released function in those chatting applications. For instance, Facebook is able to remind the user what he/she did on the same day last year so that users can share the experience with friends. The user is able to skip the troublesome description of his/her previous experience in person since friends can see the event very straightforwardly and even reply to it. Another example is WeChat updates its emotional packets frequently, of which the topics are Minions, Doraemon or other popolar animation figures. Users prefer to employ their favorite "figures" to express their emotions to enjoy the sense of humor and share the interest, which cannot be easily sensed with words. Therefore, as time goes by, user are absorbed in the application due to the special functions and feelings.

The young tend to communication with social media or text message owing to the convenience. While talking in person is like cooking food, chatting with social media is like purchasing fast food. Cooking food by oneself is more healthy and regarded as respect to traditional food culture. But the conspicuous drawback is cooking becomes too time consuming. Conversely, when going to the fast food restaurant, all you need to do is placing the order, waiting for few minutes and eating cooked food instantly. It saves time and energy for working and studying. In a similar manner, talking in person can improve intimation but impractical for current society where people are busy with their work. However, chatting with social media tools is not only convenient, but also it provides interative functions to achieve basic emotional communication.

Social media is an alternative to kill time when it is boring. Protesters may advocate using social media to kill time can hurt our eyes or access us to junk information, but they are more than wrong. Peking University conducted a recent survey in 2014 where 937 university students were involved. 86% of students expressed that they uses social media to fight against the boring moments. Some even point out that certain meetings for them are so useless that they rather seize the opportunity to relax using social media.

To conclude, as social media tools have attractive functions, convenience and provide chances to kill time, people have depended on them too much to build communication with others.
发表于 2015-10-20 21:32:36 | 只看该作者
As the fast proliferation of smart devices nowadays, there are explosive number of users playing with social media and text messages. Although the convenience and sense of interest from social media cannot be ignore(ignored), I subscribe to the notion that people depend too much on the new technologies to communication(communicate) with others these days.

Some people have been addicted to the social communication applications featured with special functions. It is admitted that indivisuals considered apps or text messages as pure communication tool. But things have changed recently. There are various newly released function(可数名词复数表示泛指) in those chatting applications. For instance, Facebook is able to remind the user what he/she did on the same day last year so that users can share the experience with friends. The user is able to skip the troublesome description of his/her previous experience in person since friends can see the event very straightforwardly and even reply to it. Another example is (that)WeChat updates its emotional packets frequently, of which the topics are Minions, Doraemon or other popolar animation figures. Users prefer to employ their favorite "figures" to express their emotions to enjoy the sense of humor and share the interest, which cannot be easily sensed with words. Therefore, as time goes by, user are absorbed in the application due to the special functions and feelings.这里太复杂了,你不如直接编一个名言好了,比如苏格拉底说,“方法越复杂,意义就越难表达”。

The young tend to communication(communicate) with social media or text message owing to the convenience. While talking in person is like cooking food, chatting with social media is like purchasing fast food. Cooking food by oneself is more healthy and regarded as respect to traditional food culture. But the conspicuous drawback is cooking becomes too time consuming. Conversely, when going to the fast food restaurant, all you need to do is placing the order, waiting for few minutes and eating cooked food instantly. It saves time and energy for working and studying. In a similar manner, talking in person can improve intimation but impractical for current society where people are busy with their work. However, chatting with social media tools is not only convenient, but also it provides interative functions to achieve basic emotional communication.

Social media is an alternative to kill time when it is boring. Protesters may advocate using social media to kill time can hurt our eyes or access us to junk information, but they are more than wrong.这里没抓住反方的重点。 Peking University conducted a recent survey in 2014 where 937 university students were involved. 86% of students expressed that they uses social media to fight against the boring moments. Some even point out that certain meetings for them are so useless that they rather seize the opportunity to relax using social media.

To conclude, as social media tools have attractive functions, convenience and provide chances to kill time, people have depended on them too much to build communication with others.

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